Stacie and Jon's baby, puppy that is, had surgery on Monday and I am happy to report that she is doing fine. She had her dewclaws removed, she was spayed, and she had her hematomas (sp?) in her ears taken care of. The last part is just a trait of a Sharpei, and Evey is part Sharpei so she came by it naturally. She has to keep her legs bandaged up until tomorrow and she hasn't been able to get her feet wet since her surgery, that is a chore trying to make her go to the bathroom in the dirt instead of the wet grass in the morning, but by now she has adapted pretty well to the challenge. Her sutures will come out next week (in her ears) so she is wearing a little cone just to keep her from damaging the work by scratching. She is so full of energy and it is so fun to watch her burn around in the back yard. She can't figure out why my dogs won't play with her, she doesn't know that they are stuck up and set in their ways. It just seems weird that they get kind of pissy when she is around, like maybe they forgot that they used to have another dog around her not too long ago. It would've been cool to see how Mary would be with Evey, but I guess we will just have to imagine that she would have been the most open to having her around seeing how she was always the one with a level head and such an easy going temperment:-( I miss Mary!