Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Isaac Matthew Schoonover

I just wanted to congratulate Shaylee and Chad on the birth of their new son Isaac. He was born last night, 3/24/09, at 11:42 weighing in at 8.11 pounds and measuring 20 1/2 inches long. It was kind of a slow night at work so my lead nurse let me spend about 2 1/2 hours with them during my shift while she labored and when her doctor came in he looked suprised to see me there. I explained the relation and he was so excited about it, it was kind of cute. We happened to have a couple of his patients in the unit that I work in so he came down to see them a bit later and I got to harass him about having somewhere to be and something better to do. I was just getting ready to clock out for the night and my mother in law called and said "Dr. O said it is coming so you need to get up here". I grabbed my purse and sweater and got up there as quick as I could. Now let me tell you, I wasn't invited to be there for the birth and I would never infiltrate myself into a situation like that so I just waited outside the door. I was putting my head by the door and all I could hear was 6 people in the room laughing, I was thinking what???? I thought somebody was having a baby, where are all the moans and the pushing sounds. Then Dr. O says "where is she, I thought you called her". I opened the door and my mother in law was standing behind the curtain and I said are you waiting for me and everybody started laughing and saying YES! Then I got the suprise of my life when Dr. O said come in and watch, I said I would wait behind the curtain with my mother in law and he asked Shaylee if we could come in and she said sure she didn't care as long as we didn't mind seeing everything. We whipped around the curtain and there Shaylee was with the head all the way out with the doctor just holding it there, they were seriously waiting for me to get there. I felt bad for her and hope that she forgives me at some point for the wait! Dr. O had the biggest smile on his face and asked if we had ever seen a birth and I said actually the last birth I saw was 5 years ago today. My mother in law had never seen an actual birth and the look on her face was priceless. Isaac seems to be a very laid back kid so far, nothing seemed to bother him like the poke for the vitamin K or checking his sugar levels. He never really started to put up a fuss until they gave him to his Mom. It was like he wanted her to know how much he had gone through and just wanted to complain about it a little. I left around 12:15 to go home and excitedely tell Shane about his new nephew. Oh by the way the gender of the baby was unknown so that was so cool have that suprise seeing how it seems like everybody these days finds out the sex before the birth. Seeing how they already had one boy and one girl they decided to wait until the birth. Shaylee was so cute after the birth when she said that she knew it was a boy and was excited but she was also kind of looking forward to a girl because of all the clothes that she could buy. Once again a huge thank you to Chad and Shaylee for allowing me to be there for this special time in their life, and to Dr. O for holding the show for me to be there!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Life, as I live it

Work, work, work it seems like that is all that I do. I don't want to complain too much seeing how there are alot of people out there in the world that would love to have a job so I do at least appreciate the fact that I am employed. I do wish that my work environment was better though. I am interviewing for a different position within the hospital tomorrow, not so much a truly different position it has the same job title, just a job with different responsibilities and in a unit that I have never worked for before. I have worked in an outpatient observation unit for the last four years but this job is within the OR. This past year and a half has been very difficult for me due mainly to the manager that I work under and I think that I have had my fill. It would take me forever to explain all the frustration and pain that she has caused me, and I don't really want to get into all of that anyway. Sufice it to say that it is "time for a change" to steal a line from the President. If I get this position my new hours will be Monday through Friday from 10:30 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. I really didn't want to have change my job because for the most part I really enjoy my job and the nurses that I work with and I have been doing it for four years, but my sanity is at stake here. I am not thinking that this interview is a shoe in for the position, but everybody at work thinks to seem that is just a formality. I just don't want to get my hopes up too high and then feel let down if it doesn't happen. If I don't get this job then I still have the same one that I have been doing, but my hours will change to 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. three days a week (and those 3 days are not the same ones from week to week).
I would love to say that Shane is still busy with work, but he doesn't have anything going right now. He is really trying to get his new business venture up and running so this down time is enabling him to put some time and effort into making something happen. He may actually be in Seattle for most of this week to meet with different prospective individuals about hooking up some business. I can't really go too much into what all this entails, but there are many different directions in which he can go.
Casey just got his first job and will start work this week. His best friend JJ has an uncle that bought the resturant inside the bowling alley in Pasco and that is where he will be working. He will be a dishwasher, and a bus boy there. He is going to take his food handlers permit class this week through school so he will be set there! He is very excited and is already talking about how he is going to pay for his car insurance (which is our rule), and all the rest of his money he is going to save, RIGHT. Isn't that what they always say? Life is fill with great intentions, but he has pretty much been a focused person so maybe he will actually do as he is saying.
I have to get going, I am blogging at work and I have a couple of patients that I need to be getting ready for!

Friday, March 06, 2009

Work Update

Just wanted to let everybody know that my upcoming change in schedule isn't going to happen. My manager called me today and asked me to stay on the same schedule for at least the next four weeks and it wasn't like I was being given too much of an option. I am just getting so frustrated with all this crap. At first it was my choice to switch to the five days a week, hour shifts. This change wasn't easy after working for over three years for twelve hour days only three days a week, but I thought it would be an O.K. change. Now the unit that I work in is having changes made to the responsibilities that we have so the need for me to work from 3 p.m until 11 p.m. wasn't going to be necessary. So I was in a state of shock today when I recieved a phone call, on my cell phone, (I will get back to that) saying that we as secretaries need to stay on our "current" schedules for at least the next four weeks. The point about the cell phone is this.......I specifically do not have my cell phone number available for work to call me on because I like to have at least a little bit of privacy in my life, but my manager coudln't reach me on my home phone so she asked somebody that I consider a "friend" at work for my cell number and she just freely gave her the number. I have had to change my cell number before once due to work getting the number and abusing it, they refused to call my home phone as soon as they found out my cell number. So I am at a crossroads as what to do with my number now. I would seriously like to confront the person that gave my number out and make sure she knows that I am not happy at all with the fact that she didn't even think to ask me before she gave my number out, but she is seriously bi-polar and I certainly don't want to be the one to put her in one of her "MOODS" because everybody at work would be kinda upset with me. The other part of me would just like to change my number again and not give this "friend" the new number. But maybe I should just wait to see if it gets abused again. It is so easy to change the number, and it doesn't cost a thing, but getting the new number to everybody is kind of a pain!

On a totally different note, Jared turned 19 yesterday and it wouldn't look too good if I didn't say anything about it seeing how I talked about Stacie and Casey's birthdays. It isn't like I overlooked it, it just doesn't seem like he is a true part of this family any more seeing he is seldom at home. He didn't want a cake, and he wouldn't have been home if I got one anyway so I guess it just saved me time and money not to make or buy one for him. I love him none the less!!

I have to run, decisions have to be made and all. Love to all!