Just wanted to let everybody know that my upcoming change in schedule isn't going to happen. My manager called me today and asked me to stay on the same schedule for at least the next four weeks and it wasn't like I was being given too much of an option. I am just getting so frustrated with all this crap. At first it was my choice to switch to the five days a week, hour shifts. This change wasn't easy after working for over three years for twelve hour days only three days a week, but I thought it would be an O.K. change. Now the unit that I work in is having changes made to the responsibilities that we have so the need for me to work from 3 p.m until 11 p.m. wasn't going to be necessary. So I was in a state of shock today when I recieved a phone call, on my cell phone, (I will get back to that) saying that we as secretaries need to stay on our "current" schedules for at least the next four weeks. The point about the cell phone is this.......I specifically do not have my cell phone number available for work to call me on because I like to have at least a little bit of privacy in my life, but my manager coudln't reach me on my home phone so she asked somebody that I consider a "friend" at work for my cell number and she just freely gave her the number. I have had to change my cell number before once due to work getting the number and abusing it, they refused to call my home phone as soon as they found out my cell number. So I am at a crossroads as what to do with my number now. I would seriously like to confront the person that gave my number out and make sure she knows that I am not happy at all with the fact that she didn't even think to ask me before she gave my number out, but she is seriously bi-polar and I certainly don't want to be the one to put her in one of her "MOODS" because everybody at work would be kinda upset with me. The other part of me would just like to change my number again and not give this "friend" the new number. But maybe I should just wait to see if it gets abused again. It is so easy to change the number, and it doesn't cost a thing, but getting the new number to everybody is kind of a pain!
On a totally different note, Jared turned 19 yesterday and it wouldn't look too good if I didn't say anything about it seeing how I talked about Stacie and Casey's birthdays. It isn't like I overlooked it, it just doesn't seem like he is a true part of this family any more seeing he is seldom at home. He didn't want a cake, and he wouldn't have been home if I got one anyway so I guess it just saved me time and money not to make or buy one for him. I love him none the less!!
I have to run, decisions have to be made and all. Love to all!
Kadlec's Annual Easter Egg Hunt
13 years ago
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