Wanted to give you all an update on what is going on in my family and life. I am still working at the hospital full time and trying to pick up extra shifts if I can which I do for money, not love. Out of 9 days I worked 7 of them and considering that I work 12 hour shifts I am a very tired person after that!
Shane is still framing and is still working on getting his new business up and running. He works very hard at both of these and hopefully it will pay off after all he is putting into it. He is very fortunate to have a person to work with that can spend all his times and efforts in trying to make this new business a success. I know that I don't always see eye to eye with Tim; however he is so very loyal to Shane and to make this business work that I have nothing bad to say.
Stacie has moved into her own place and continues to work full time at SIGN. She has also made the decision not to skate with the Atomic City Roller Girls any more, too much drama going on with this group on girls, but she is still full steam ahead with derby. She is out of town pretty much every weekend skating with whatever team needs her. So far she has gone to Seattle, Chehalis (sp?), and Spokane, maybe even more that I don't know about. By her doing this I rarely get to see her but she does come over and have lunch on her break seeing how my house is very close to her work so when I am not at work I try to be home to at least get to chat with her a little.
Jared is still working full time at Dairy Queen. Up until last night he was still living at home, but that doesn't mean that I saw him that often. He and one of his friends have been mowing lawns on the side and they always seem to be together. We came to the decision last night that it would be in the best interest of everyone that he moved out but it wasn't a easy decision. My heart is breaking due to the fact that even though he was part of the decision process he has decided it is all my fault and that he no longer has parents. He has now started addressing me by my first name and doesn't want me to talk to him at all. My hope is that one day he will realize that what he thinks is fact is truly not. I just hope that he doesn't stay this angry for too long but only time will tell.
Casey is in his "summer schedule", which means that he stays up until around 4 a.m. and sleeps until noon or one in the afternoon. He is also working at Dairy Queen, but opposite shifts from Jared. He really enjoys being able to make his own money and to be able to buy things on his own.
As for the coast, at this point it looks like Casey and myself are going to be able to make it. The "draft" copy of the schedule is out and I am off for that time. I do have to work four days straight up until the 2nd to make this happen so when we actually get down to the coast I will be the one that has absolutely no energy or drive. Oh well I guess I will have a few days to laze around and read and kick it at the beach:-) I am trying to work at Shane to come with, but it probably won't happen.
We went out on the water yesterday with Shane's parents and our neice Emma and her brother Eli. We also took Tyler because he really wanted to wakeboard by himself but he ended up not going with Shane or even trying by himself, regardless he had a good time on the boat and had fun playing with the other kids. We were out for five and a half hours, much longer than we usually do. The water was awful, choppiest stuff ever. At the end of the day Casey and both felt like we were on the whale watching boat the way the river was swelling it was crazy! Casey took one run on the wakeboard, and Shane and Eli went out together. This was our first attempt at giving wakeboarding a shot with Eli. They got right up but soon crashed and Eli was then done for the day, but I think that we can get him back on the board again! It was a great time just floating and hanging out on the water with my in laws, we don't get much of a chance to spend time with them so we enjoyed it. All of us came home sunburnt, that is those of us that didn't put sunscreen on, but we were all tired and happy.
I think that is all I have to update for now, I hope all of you are doing well and look forward to spending time with you at the coast in a couple of weeks or so.
Kadlec's Annual Easter Egg Hunt
13 years ago