Thursday, September 04, 2008

"News Reporting"

I don't know about many of you but I have my favorite station to watch the local news on and it is KNDU. After last night I may have to change which station I watch though. Their top story was about the accident that two young people tragically lost their lives, and the third person is in critical care. A motorcycle driven by a 19 year old ran a stop sign and somehow landed in the back of a vehicle which a 10 year old girl was riding in. Both of these two lost their lives at the scene and the driver is still hospitalized. This girl was the only child in her family which makes the whole thing more devastating! The reported went on to say that her mother wasn't available to comment........WHAT?????? Seriously what were you going to ask her, how are you doing? How do you feel? The questions could only be idiotic and hurtful, this woman is now having to think about a FUNERAL for her only child and is wondering if she has to plan a second for her husband too. I was so upset I sent an e-mail to the news station and I am still waiting for a response to it. How is somebody's grief news? I understand that the accident is "news worthy" but trying to get a statement to me is way over the line! Let me know what you think.

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