Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Verdict is in.......

So we just got back from the doctors office and it is a good thing we went! Casey still has three pieces of "debris" in his knee which they found by taking x-rays. From what the doctor said barnacles carry calcium and calcium shows up on x-rays so therefore we decided it was a good thing to take a look see. Casey was given antibiotics and instructions to heat pack his knee because the plan is for these little buggars to work themselves out of the incision. He got knocked in the knee yesterday at school and it broke open sending out some lovely puss, so I felt pretty confident about my decision to take him in to be seen. Shane was saying that it would just all work itself out and that we haven't given it enough time, it is kinda nice to be right once in a while, but I certainly won't gloat;-) Just kidding, I really won't rub it in, I just see so much crap working at the hospital that the littlest thing can blow up to something big if you do nothing so I felt safe having him seen.
Still waiting to hear about Megan's surgery, talked to Mom right after Casey's appointment and she still hadn't heard anything either. Here is praying for great results and a speedy recovery!

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