Saturday, April 18, 2009

Just wanted to keep you (as if anybody really reads this) up to date on some happenings with us. I have gone back to working my three days a week for twleve hour shifts. My hours are from seven a.m. until seven thirty p.m. I don't have "set days" that I am scheduled; however I usually work Thursday, Friday, Saturday three weeks out of the month. The other week I work Wednesday through Friday. I am not sure if that is how things are going to stay because the last secretary that was hired may be going to work some hours in a different unit, but who knows at this point. This obviously means that I didn't get the job that I had interviewed for, but all the people that I work with are seriously happy to see that I am still with them. I guess I should be happy that I have made their jobs easier,errr better?
Casey got a job at Dairy Queen and he will be working with Jared. Actually Jared works there full time on the day shift, but he will probably be the one training Casey seeing how they are talking about making him a "crew leader". Casey already had a health card so he is one step ahead of the game. He thought he had a job with his friend JJ working for JJ's uncle's resturant that he opened but it seems like he was just kind of used to help get the resturant cleaned up and ready to open. This guy told him that he still has a job, but he has to wait until business picks up. We suggested that he keep applying to different places because he is driving and Mommy is getting tired of filling up the Expedition for his little monkey butt.
Jared is back home and has adopted a totally new attitude. He is keeping his room clean and is paying rent! He isn't around too much, but he is around alot more than he was before our big blow out. Life is good at home.
Stacie is doing well. She had the chance to go to Canada for a derby bout last weekend and that was a good experience for them. It wasn't easy, there were alot of inconsitancies with the calls that were being made, or not being made, by the refs. While she was gone we got to have the puppies all weekend as Jon was working (he works out of town). I enjoyed having them at the house and spoiled them buying them toys and what not. They were a bit unsetteled because they missed their "parents" and couldn't figure out why they had not come back to get them. Neither of them ate very much the whole three days and that made me sad. I think that if they could talk they would have said "this is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live here!". My dogs got even more neurotic than they already were, and my cat never stopped growling unless we locked her up in our room to give her a break. The puppies are not aggressive with her at all and she has never had a problem with our dogs, but there is just something about "different dogs" to her.
I am going to try and be a supportive aunt today and finally make it to some soccer games. It is sunny and beautiful out so this seems like the day to do it!


Christina, Matt, Madisen and Riley said...

Thanks for coming to watch Madisen play yesterday. I love our assistant coach, but I share your feelings about the coach.

Megan R. said...

Hi, just so you know, I read your blog. I always wonder if anyone reads ours too. Glad to hear things are going better at home. We are looking forward to visiting in June! And I hope it's nice and hot when we come...
Love, Megan