Sunday, June 07, 2009

The Bout is over!

So the bout yesterday was awesome, wish you all could have been there to see it! I was asked by Stacie to work in the "penalty box" so to speak. I got to time all the girls that had penalties so I learned alot more about the sport that Stacie is so passionate about. It was alot of fun and I had the opportunity to meet alot of different people by doing this.
THE ACRG's (a.k.a. The Atomic City Roller Girls) won their first bout since they have started almost two years ago and I was there to witness this! It was so awesome to see the excitement on the faces of these women who go out there several times a week to practice and who have suffered some injuries to participate in this sport. The day was cloudy and rain threatened to come down at any time during the bouts, but once these ladies won their first bout I am not sure if it was their smiles that were beaming or what but the sun broke out right about that time and was shining down on the rink. Now I didn't go to the after party, but I am sure that some of these people that did may still be going at it, and I say party on. You worked so hard and to see it finally pay off is awesome! I believe that the next bout that I go to, I will offer to keep time again. It was fun to get to see the different personalities of the girls on the other teams and I got pretty darn good at it, even when I had three at a time!
Can't wait for the next bout. I think that Stacie said that they are planning on another bout somewhere locally again in August so when I know more I will post about it. You should try to come out of you are free, it is fun and you will get to understand the sport a little bit more;-)

1 comment:

Christina, Matt, Madisen and Riley said...

Sorry I had to miss it! Sounds like it was a blast. Go Stacie!